09 February 2012

what have you learned from the past?

yeah really, what have you learned from the past? have you really learned from the past? are there lessons that you might not forget? or was it just a memory to forget? we were trying to hide things that caused too much pain- and let the time flew them away into our memories, then we were trying to create new memories that will bring us back the courage to smile again and face another chapter of our lives. i was once like this, a year ago i've done mistakes that changed my life a lot- as time goes on and my age goes forward i've realized things that might lead me into a better me. first move?  to confess my sins to 'her' and asking for 'her' forgiveness, i'd pray a lot for guidance and courage to face those dark memories i've done. through God's help i know i can make it, i know i can win that battle. i decided to leave everything behind because i know that's what's best for me. after darkness there's a light that shine upon my face it's God i ask for His forgiveness, i promised not to do that sin anymore. little by little somehow i fail but He knows i am trying so hard to forsake that sin. i surrender my life to God, after confessing to Him it seems like i am ready to die any moment, i feel i am pure again and washed away those filthy inside me. it is true if you confess everything to Him and repent, God will forgive you just learn to reach Him and call His name- he won't let you down, He make you strong all the time, He will give you endless happiness, He will shower you millions of blessings. keep counting your blessings and spread the message of our Lord and we will live safe in His loving arms  forever. beautiful afternoon everyone :) keep safe! 

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