15 February 2012

pimples 101

i am not yet satisfied to the result of human heart nature's product, or maybe i am just in a hurry to see the final result. i have noticed that my pimples were continuously pooping on my face and i am freaking out because this is my first time to have lots of zits in my entire life. and so i've decided to research for a product that has a mild scent, budget-friendly, and lots of good reviews then i've met panoxyl soap free cleanser

Php 180.00  for 60 ml. available in all mercury drugs outlet nationwide

i immediately give it a try  and i am quite happy to its reaction on my face, after using this cleanser i apply human heart nature's balancing toner after 10 minutes i put sebo de macho, for those who don't know sebo de macho is a scar remover made from philippines, it is made of an oily substance, it is very cheap, handy and easy to use  you have to apply this generously  to the affected areas. 

Php 15.00 and available in all mercury drugs outlet nationwide

so far, these two works well for me, my pimple marks lighten and my skin gets smoother. if you have any comments or questions with these feel free to leave a message and i will do my best to provide you an answer :) happy blogging everyone! keep safe.


  1. Hello, nawawala ba pimples mo? Please help. I bought this two

  2. panoxyl soap free cleanser is effective for oily and pimple prone.


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